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Teeth Whitening/Bleaching

Teeth Whitening/Bleaching

White teeth and a striking smile play a very important role in daily life in terms of self-confidence and aesthetic appearance. Even if oral health is in good condition, the whiteness  of the teeth can make people unhappy. Tooth discoloration may develop due to physiological reasons, smoking, consumption of caffeine and excessive use of antibiotics. Thanks to teeth whitening, people can reach the teeth they dream of in a very comfortable way.

What is Teeth Whitening?

Teeth whitening is the treatment in which organic and inorganic substances that develop due to various factors in the enamel and dentin structure on the surface of the teeth, are removed. The procedure performed with the help of special gels must be carried out under the supervision of a specialist dentist and must be specially planned in accordance with the needs of the person.

In Which Situations Teeth Whitening is Needed?

Tooth colour can differ from person to person, and there are many different reasons for this. Factors such as physiological reasons, pregnancy, smoking and caffeine consumption, root canal or filling treatments can cause discoloration of the teeth. Teeth whitening can be performed to all adults over the age of 18 who are not happy with the current colour tone of their teeth. Teeth whitening is performed in case the teeth become discolored due to internal or external factors. The procedure is not recommended during pregnancy.

How is Teeth Whitening Performed?

Teeth whitening has different features according to technical and application areas. Teeth whitening methods that are actively used today can be listed as follows;

Teeth Whitening

Home teeth whitening method is individual whitening plates are prepared by measuring the inside of the patient’s mouth. Tooth whitening gel is applied to the plaques specially prepared for the person and used in this way for at least 4-6 hours every day. Depending on the usage hours of the plates, the treatment lasts between 8-15 days.

Professional Teeth Whitening

Professional teeth whitening is performed by a specialist dentist in a clinical setting. Also known as laser teeth whitening. A special whitening gel is applied to the teeth and UV light or laser is used. This method takes approximately one hour.

Home + Professional Teeth Whitening

In the method called combined teeth whitening, the bleaching process is performed in the clinic and then it is supported with home teeth whitening for 2-3 days.

Devital Teeth Whitening

It is a teeth whitening method performed to teeth that have changed color after root canal treatment. After the filling in the tooth is removed, a whitening gel is applied to the cavity and then the tooth is closed with a temporary filling. The sessions are repeated at 3-day intervals until the targeted whiteness is achieved.

Are the Effects of Teeth Whitening Application Permanent?

The colour obtained after the bleaching starts to reduce over time. The duration also varies according to the daily routine of the patient. When the whitening process is repeated at 6-monthly intervals, the effect will become permanent.

What Should Be Considered After Teeth Whitening Treatment?

In the first few days after teeth whitening, attention should be paid to avoid excessive heat and excessive cold consumption. Products that can discolour the teeth, such as cigarettes, coffee, red wine should not be consumed for at least 3-4 days after the bleaching procedure. Care should be taken not to consume products and foods that may cause wear on the teeth. Using whitening toothpaste after the procedure willalsi help to prolong the whitening effect.​

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