Dental Bridges
Dental Bridges
A dental bridge is a treatment method for tooth loss between two healthy teeth. Missing teeth can be successfully replaced with the treatment method performed, supported by the healthy teeth. It is among the most preferred methods to prevent health and aesthetic problems caused by missing teeth.
What is a Dental Bridge?
A dental bridge is a treatment method used to replace any missing teeth. The treatment, which is supported by other teeth instead of a single tooth root or implant, is very durable and provides long-term use. Dental bridges provide very effective results aesthetically.
Who Is Dental Bridge Treatment Suitable For?
Implant and bridge tooth methods can be used in the treatment of missing teeth. The suitability of the patient’s mouth and bone structure is important in the treatment of bridge teeth. The bridge tooth method is recommended for people whose mouth structure is not suitable for implants and whose jaw bone structure is soft.
How is Dental Bridge Treatment Performed?
The dental bridge is performed to the right and left of the missing tooth to close the gap due to various factors. Before the treatment, a detailed oral health examination is performed by the specialist physician and the patient’s dental x-ray is taken. The number of missing teeth in the patient’s mouth is checked and their locations are determined. At the beginning of the bridge treatment, the remaining teeth on both sides of the missing tooth are grinded to serve fixation. After the grinding process, the patient’s mouth measurements are taken in detail and a suitable prosthesis is prepared. In the preparation of the bridge tooth prosthesis, factors such as the patient’s tooth colour and structure are taken into consideration. After the preparation of the prosthesis, the placement stage begins.
What Are the Types of Dental Bridges?
Dental bridge treatment can be performed with different methods. Which method will be used, is determined by the patient’s mouth, teeth and jaw structure.
Traditional Bridge
Healthy teeth on the right and left of the missing tooth are grinded by special devices. The grinded teeth act as bridge piers and the prepared bridge prosthesis is placed onto these teeth.
Maryland (Winged) Bridge
In this method, known as Maryland or winged bridge, the bridge is bonded to healthy teeth. The prosthetic tooth, which is prepared to fill the tooth cavity, is adhered to the back of the adjacent teeth. The dental bridge prosthesis method is performed without grinding the healthy teeth. However, it is less durable compared to alternative methods due to its placement by bonding.
Implant Supported Bridge
Implant supported bridge is the preferred method when the patient has more than one missing teeth, Healthy teeth do not need to be grinded in implant-supported bridge treatment. In patients whose jaw structure is considered adequate, the preferred treatment method is to fill the gaps of missing teeth with implant bridges.
What Advantages Does a Dental Bridge Provide?
Dental bridges provide many advantages in terms of oral and dental health. The benefits of a dental bridge can be listed as follows;
– Aesthetic problems caused by missing teeth are eliminated.
– Physical problems felt during chewing and biting can be treated.
– Possible alignment problems caused by missing teeth are prevented.
– Provides long-term use thanks to the materials used.
What Should Be Considered After Dental Bridge Treatment?
There are some important details that the patient should pay attention to after dental bridge treatment. Following treatment, dental bridges should be cleaned in detail and regularly. Improper oral care routine can cause food and plaque build up on the teeth.