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Dental Implants

Dental Implants

Missing teeth cause serious problems both in terms of health and aesthetics. With the most commonly used implant treatment among modern dentistry treatments, the missing teeth issues can be successfully treated. Dental implants can be performed in different ways for different dental problems and are a versatile treatment. Implant treatment, which is performed as an alternative to traditional prosthesis and bridge treatments, provides very effective with long-lasting results.

What is an Implant?

Screws made of titanium, which are used in the treatment of missing teeth and placed inside the jawbone, are called implants. Implants act in place of natural tooth roots. Implant treatment is completed with the placement of prosthetic teeth/crowns placed on titanium screws. Implant treatment cause no damage to adjacent teeth. After implant treatment, patients can feel comfortable like their natural teeth. It can be performed to all individuals over the age of 18 who have completed their jaw and face development. Before the treatment, the suitability of the jaw structure is examined by an oral and maxillofacial surgeon. Patients with osteoporosis can have dental implant together with bone graft treatment.

How Is Implant Treatment Performed?

Before implant treatment, patients are examined in detail. According to the results of the examination and x-ray, treatment planning is made for the patients who are found suitable. Treatment starts by taking the measurement of the jaw bones and the remaining teeth. Depending on the type of dental implants, temporary caps are placed, or the area is left to heal. In both cases, a temporary bridge can be placed and a recovery period of three to six months is expected. If the specialist deems it appropriate, dentures can be placed on dental implants immediately.

Advantages of Dental Implants

Dental implants provide circulation around the jawbone and thus strengthen the tissue. Therefore, the probability of bone loss in the area is greatly reduced.

When missing teeth are not properly treated, adjacent teeth are displaced to close the gap. Displacement of teeth can cause serious aesthetic problems in the long term.

Implant treatment is a long-lasting treatment. Implants fuse with the jawbone, providing a lifetime advantage.

What Are the Types of Dental Implants?

Different treatment methods can be performed in line with the patient’s condition and wishes. Implant treatments can be listed as follows;

1. All On Four treatment

  • It is the technique of making fixed dental prosthesis in a single surgical procedure on the same day for fully edentulous patients.
  • It does not require any advanced surgical procedures such as sinus lifting surgery or bone graft.
  • It is planned according to the person,
  • Cleaning and maintenance is easier than conventional dental implant fixed dentures.
  • It is suitable for patients who cannot use removable dentures and have nausea reflex.

Who is the All On Four implant technique for?

All On Four treatment can be performed to all edentulous (no teeth) patients who do not have any disease that may prevent dental implant surgery and have sufficient bone density.

What are the stages of treatment?

A detailed clinical and radiological examination is required for the patients who are planned for All On Four treatment. A suitable planning is made for the patient by making measurements on computerized tomography (CT scan).

The All On Four procedure consists of two stages as surgical and prosthetic procedures. On the day of the treatment, after four dental implants are placed in accordance with the planning, the temporary dental prosthesis is fixed on the dental implants on the very next day. After 3 months, permanent dental prosthesis(crowns) are then placed.

2. Tooth Implant

A single-unit dental implant is a form of treatment used only in the presence of a single missing tooth. In the treatment applied, the structure and symmetry of the teeth next to the missing tooth are examined in detail, and appearance compatible with the other teeth and the general structure of the mouth is obtained.

3. Multiple Teeth Replacement

It is a form of treatment performed in the treatment of patients with multiple tooth loss. Bridge prosthesis are placed between the implants and multiple tooth replacement is provided. It is a more cost-effective method than single-unit implant treatment due to the use of fewer implants than the number of teeth replaced.

4. Immediate Implants

Immediate implants are implants that are performed quickly in case of inflammation of the teeth, impact or infection due to certain reasons. With rapidly performed implants, the development of deterioration in the jawbone and gingival structure is prevented.​

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